Wednesday, October 13, 2010

masih ada dengan mu

i think my last life, i was born a hair stylist. Every time i have free time on my hands, my hands reach out to a pair of scissors and i start snipping. so now i have bangs ;-)

i am in a transition, studying to working soon.... yikes! :-/

mommy still thinks i am still very much childlike. that i won't deny, i once talked to a friend about this, that when i am outside comfort zone, i build this wall around me, because there's noone to look out for me, but when i am with family, i am safe, i can have my guard down. But i think everyone, if they swallow their foolish pride, they are just equally childlike? yes? no?

and then, there is those moments, where i am in a crowd of friends and pepole, but yet i feel terribly alone. when those moments really get to me, i am glad i always have someone to turn to.because *He is always there.

Cheers to a new trimester, to new hopes, to new dreams.

*he as in our savior ;-)


Jason Anderson Raj said...

champion~ i think ur the only girl i know that is able to cut her own hair.

sarahyanli said...

hahhaha. u know too few girls jason!

Jason Anderson Raj said...

agreed! lol