Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Epic dream

Just finished my second paper, sometimes i marvel at my own capabilities such as
1) to crap in exam papers
2) to be able to sit still for 1 hour after finishing my paper

Moving on to the title.
I had an epic dream... i was a...STABBER

There are a few distinct things i could remember from my dream, but first of all i would like to say
I hate men who wear shoes with a really long front which looks like an alligator

So the villain was Yen Mei, my cousin, haha so random

So i was running away from her, she had a knife, with a black handle, and she wanted to stab me.

So i drove a truck to an apartment (WOW, i drove a truck in my dream) to hide and protect my younger sister and brother. So i shut all the windows and locked all the doors right, and i hurdled up with them and asked everyone to be extremely quiet while holding a knife with a black handle to protect myself. I remember feeling extremely scared.

And out of nowhere, like in a korean horror movie, she appeared right in front of me in a white flowy dress, and long hair, and she looked nothing like yen...

This is the first distinct image i remembered.

So she appeared in front of me out of nowhere and i would have expected her to start stabbing right, but she did not, its as if she had a slow reaction or she was trying very hard to maintain her evil grin while laughing out hehehehehe

So i started stabbing her, stab stab stab, and she was dead.

So then i remembered this image...a dress with blots of blood

I had to go tell my uncle and auntie and they started crying

After that i had to wait extremely long for the third distinct image that i remembered which was, a blue truck with the words forensic on them
And then i started walking back and fourth because i was afraid that they would accuse me of being of being the murderer instead of her... and she didn't even stab me once, but i stabbed her again and again until she died, which was weird...hmmmmm

Anyways this dream was sungguh dahsyat and gory, people study so hard also don't let me sleep in peace.

The end.

On another note:this is a shout out to kluang peeps: i really miss you all!!...everytime breaks and all that they get to meet up, but ever since my parents come back to malacca a lot, i miss most of the gatherings, which makes me really sad:-((((((


arloy ameer said...


sarahyanli said...

yen: maybe cause u mean to me always kot, kidding kidding...*covers head*

ameer: ah ar, ganas b0leh buat filem gore. hahaha

Joyce said...

sarah~~~~sooooo cute.....

weijin said...

fuhh.. wat a weird dream!

sarahyanli said...

joyce: cute ah? hahahhaha scary le

wei jin: ya lo... hahaha