Saturday, February 14, 2009

i am pissed

I am freaking angry la. Therefore the reason for this post.

Yesterday at Ivan's birthday party, they had this game where they tied paper towels above a glass of beer and a coin is put in the middle of the cup, the game plan is to make a hole each time the glass is passed with a cigarette and whoever drops the coin will have to drink the beer.

Can anyone tell me how making a hole with a cigarette is dirty? according to my friend it's dirty. When i tertouch him he pushed my hand away and said i was dirty? Doesn't that shout out dis respectfulness and unfairness!

He does other stuff that in my dictionary way dirtier.

Please do not justify other people before you judge yourself.
and please make a clear line between what is dirty and what is not.

So, Can anyone tell me how making a hole on a paper towel with a cigarette dirty?

If you want to know who is that friend, please ask me personally. and please tell him that he should not have done that.


Anonymous said...

i think this guy have issues with "cleanliness"...

Alex Tan said...

Lots of people are stupid and will end up getting on your nerves. You've got to live with it and learn to minimize problems associated with this.

Anonymous said...

sounds like an interesting game. who ended up drinking the beer?

sarahyanli said...

alex: yeah i know right. GRR

kiran:haha. the birthday boy! with all the ashes and all. that was a bit gross la

Chen said...

yea. Sometimes they have this obsessive compulsive disorder that make them think it's not clean kot...

hwei said...

i think it's unclean. like you said, especially with the ashes and all. ^_^"