Friday, April 25, 2008
For the fun of it I am gonna blog about 3 simple reasons why I like and don’t like my name and I am going to tag two people that last appear in my chat box just for the fun of it.
My name is Sarah Teo Yan-Li
Why I like it?
1) My first name is Sarah so everyone basically calls me by that. I like it cause its short and simple
2) Cause my Chinese name has a hyphen/dash/line/- it it. So I like it.
3) I also like my Chinese name cause it’s not old fashioned like some people’s Chinese name such as Teo Ah Moi or something. Thank god! Although for some annoying reason my mum calls me ah moi . I always threaten her by saying u dare call me ah moi in public and embarrass me I am going to call u ah soh.
Why I don’t like it?
1) Cause sometimes people make fun of it by calling me salad or salah.
2) Cause Sarah is way too common. I know it’s contradicting I like it and don’t like it at the same time.
3) Cause some people call me the malay Sarah, which doesn’t sound nice so I don’t like it.
So i tag Yen Mei and Adrian.
and if you all don't believe that my animation can actually move u can actually visit my website online MUAHAHAHA, it's lame dont laugh k but cause i love you all this is my website i did!
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Do you crave for….
RAMUAN: tepung, gandum, minyak kelapa sawit, kanji, garam, gula, caramel, penstabil.herm, nothing special...
Campuran Pes: Garam, Serai, Olein Kelapa Sawit, Mononatrium Glutamat, Ekstrak Yis, Natrium Inosinat, Guinilat sebagai penambah perisa yang dibenarkan. Ahah, must be this...
My favourite is Tom Yam!
But if Tom Yam is not your favourite there is still,
-Original Flavour
-Curry (there is also a much healthier version of this flavour found in supermarkets)
-Kari Letup (Extremely Spicy Curry) in Malaysia
-Laksa Lemak (discontinued)
-Tom yam
-Chicken & Corn
-Dal Sambar ( whole wheat noodles )
-Asam Laksa
-Pizza (only in Saudi Arabia, was available for a period of time in Australia.)
-Sup Tulang (bone soup) (in Malaysia)
-Stronger Chicken
-Vegetable Atta Noodles ( whole wheat noodles )
-Shahi Pulao ( rice noodles )
-Chilly Chow ( rice noodles )
-Lemon Masala ( rice noodles)
-Mi Goreng Char Mee
-Mi Goreng Kicap Bawang
-Mi Goreng Pluz Asli
-Mi Goreng Asli Pedas
to choose from so that you dont get sick of em'
Monday, April 14, 2008
Programmable ROM
Or in a entire different term and meaning PROM which stands for Public Romance on Multimedia.
No, I’m not too sure about the acronym I came up with but I did went for the prom night this year, and I would say it was boring with a small letter b.
It started with the opening ceremony.
Hosted by, Stephanie Chai and Jien.
The crowd was dead, the host did make an effort to spice things up.
Performance by Pop Shuvit and Estranged were good.
Kenny Sia was present just to give out prices and take pictures with the rest, like what, at least should go on stage to do something or what la right, I’m sure he is capable of something.
What really sucked,
People who nominated the Prom King and Prom Queen,
Maybe they are nice people and seem like nice people,
But seriously they were like so lala LA.
That’s three LA”S!!!#*!@#
You haven’t seen the best dressed girls nominated,
There was this girl who came dressed like a Japanese gothic Lolita, and was nominated best dressed!
Hello! This is PROM! Not an anime costume party,
Huhuhu, kenapalah tuhan ada orang sebegini!
Maybe she is cute and stuff la, but its just not suitable for a formal party,
Like if u walked down the Hollywood red carpet,
You would be in the WORST EVER DRESSED category,
Not because you’re not cute, but because its not suitable Langsung.
Certain parts of the night was okay,
Well it really isn’t easy hosting a huge event,
But what I pictured of prom as the fairytale romantic evening with ballroom dancing while singers sing love ballads like what I watch on tv is completely shattered and will never ever be the same again.
Anyways, here are some pictures….

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Who was not your best friend?
A friend who has always been good to you?
But somehow, you two are not in contact anymore.
I have a story to tell,
When I was young, ever since I was in Standard 1 to Standard 6,
I traveled to school by bus,
At first I was very afraid of going to school and back by bus,
Because I scared the bus will leave me,
So my mum found this girl who takes the same bus,
My classmate of standard 1 to 6,
And asked us to make friends and that we would look out for the bus for each other.
So we became friends,
Went to school and back everyday together,
In class we had our own friends,
It was during going back time,
While waiting for the bus,
Or in the bus,
We would hang out.
She is an Indian girl.
A very, very nice girl.
We used to sit in the bus together everyday,
Sharing snacks on the way back.
And on Deepavali, she would bring me cookies.
Then came form 1 when I shifted to a neighborhood much nearer to my school,
So mum started sending me to school.
And we didn’t see each other anymore,
Once a while ill bump into her in school,
A simple hi and how are you,
And that’s it.
Yesterday I had a dream of her.
Today isn’t the first time that I am actually thinking of her.
I really wish that we are still in contact.
Now all I can do is to pray that she is in her best of health and doing good.
Friends come, Friend go,
But I believe TRUE friends,
Always stay in your heart.
Have you had a friend?
Who was not your best friend?
A friend who has always been good to you?
But somehow, you two are not in contact anymore.
Friday, April 4, 2008
i am leaving
for digi commander’s camp for 3 days 2 night in Shah Alam Carlton's Hotel.
Erm, at first i joined the digi yellow army for the fun of it,
I least expected that i would be chosen as one of the four people who would be chosen as the commander, deputy commander, or deputy deputy commander,
And I really don’t know what I will face throughout this camp.
I heard it’s something like a leadership camp.
Let’s pray that everything will be all right,
As seriously I don’t know anybody who is going.
Well I know only one person la.
Here we go again,
Have to break some ice,
Break some ice,
Break ice,
During the ice breaking session,
Which me Sarah Teo the apparent social butterfly is horrified of.
Because I am SO tired of repeating,
IM 19!
But I’m sure it will be beneficial!
Wish me luck!