Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Just watched the holiday, loved it! Jude Law is so cute! it makes me go Awwwwwww!!

Hi people, how are you today?
If you are happy and had a great day,
I am happy for you too!

If you had a bad day,
don't worry it will turn for the better,
i have had some really bad days,
but the sun still shines after it rains!

look, so cute, awwww!

budak kecik dengan umbrella strawberry di cameron...awwww!

KIMI! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!! awww, dah besar!

This is officially my crappy aww aww post.


mau said...

agreeed... the holiday's a nice movie.. but it makes me wonder.. how many desperate woman would trade their houses, JUST LIKE THAT, with some strager that they never actually met before? hahahaha... just some random thoughts...

Anonymous said...

yeah....oh well, its just a movie. HAHAHA