I drove for the first time by myself yesterday. Something was bound to happen right? But no, everything went smoothly until, yes until I reached my house. My parents were out, so I had to open to gate myself (no auto gate). While opening, I turned and realized that my car was moving. What on earth, no my eyes wasn’t playing tricks on me…. my car was moving forward slowly and silly me tried to stopped it with my physically weak body, well that was my instant reflex. It banged the dustbin, the side pavement and went right into the drain.
Just kidding. It stopped finally. So I quickly ran in and pressed on the brakes, shift my gear to Reverse, reversed, then shifted my gear to Park,and pulled the handbrake. Ran out to check on the car, ran back in and parked the car in my house porch. My neighbour and her two kids was there too watch the drama, I said "shhhh!" and she got it and she put her finger on her mouth. hahaha. I love my neighbour, she's not one of the KPC gang.
After all the anxiety I went through, I was sweating like crazy. I went to shower to cool down. My parents came back and I told them of course, but I skipped some parts here and there. My dad said we learn from experience, but my mum said by the time she learns from all the experiences, she and the car wont be in one piece anymore.
Mum said: I came back and checked on the car, it was okay. Oh rupa-rupanya yang tak okay kat dalam rumah.
Yeah , the car was okay, just a little scratch ( not noticeable unless you yourself know where), I was the injured one. While trying to stop the car with all the strength I had, the car pushed me against the side concrete aisle. And the result of that is , Tadaa!
Ihave a zebra looking leg, just with red and brown stripes. And it's really painful during showering time. But at least i got hurt and not the car, i rather it be that way. :-) Awesome experience.
MORAL OF THE STORY: When u stop your auto-car, dont forget to change to P and pull your handbrakes.
apalah. auto car also can accident. haha.
haha. Auto car never press accelerator when on D also will move. Hmm, i wonder what will happen if i drive a manual car.
tat day there was an accident infront of my house, u know la, in front of my house just a small junction, not main road, like tat also can accident, wat la. accident between a car and a motor. the "bang" sound was really terrifying,i tot i will hear "nyi yo nyi yo", but instead of tat, i heard the drivers arguing. haha.
i dunno. i only drive auto. akakaka.
wah. how is your leg now? hm..the scar sure will make u remind of this incident in the future.But i guess it will fade away soon..hope so lah. =P
Im okay. Hahah. I wont be wearing skirt in the near future
long skirt can wat
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