My cat didn’t get grounded instead he got
punished for coming back late.
I punished him by putting a
pink hair band around his face and made him look as if he was going to do a Broadway performance.

Naturally, he hated it, so after i took the band off, it was pay back time for him.

Although Mushroom is really naughty at times, he is ehem,
real smart too. Since he is getting older, I thought me being his mum and all that should teach him some
surviving skills.I taught him to
play dead just in case some other big dog or bear attacks him, and he is a pretty fast learner I must say

At first he wasn't really good at it, and he didnt understand what playing dead really means. SO i explained to him that when you play dead, you have to close your eyes....
Now that's a better one.
And soon enough, he mastered the skill and was able to play dead in several positions. Way to go mushroom!
what a SMART cat!
omg...i really like Mushroom le~
help me to say "hi" for him =P
haha.unbelievable man! he listen to what u say oh? who knows maybe he can talk with you in the future? LoL..
hahah.No he doesnt listen to me cause i Terlalu manjakan him, Scold him not scared one, he listens to my mum though.i wish i could teach him more things. Sometimes he's just really chuai, call him also wont come.
ei, i tot oni dogs learn how to play dead. haha, now shitake mushroom learned it.
haha. sarah is "zhuai". eh hem. not purposely wan to critisise or anything..dun think so much ah..=)
-_-. Oh, chuai and zhuai not much difference la hor. hahaha.
Dogs can ah. i didnt know. i know got one kumbang know how to la
hey.. you're a great trainer.. haha.. keep it up~ sure ur mushroom will be excellent in future.. haha
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