can u enlarge your nostrils as big as mine huh? hehe
That’s because I accomplished so many things today. Class was 9-3 p.m.
I came back,
-Soaked my clothes
-Swept the floor
-Moped the floor
-Washed the clothes
-Wiped my table and shelf, the place where I’m living has A LOT A LOT of dust.
And when I took a place mat up on my shelf to wipe the surface, to my horror, there were like a gazillion red ants! They were building a nest there, so yeah I killed a gazillion ants by running them down the sink.
I am so penat la now. My studies so far is okay.
On a another note, i take that back cause i haven't studied for anything accept attend classes, but i need to study for my stats quiz on wednesday.
I really don’t like statistics. It’s so boring………I have to start working on the English drama, have to edit a short story literature component,
And my group got The wedding dance, it’s a story about a couple who cant be together cause either one of them are infertile. Hehe..