I just came back from KL, and I had a blast, thanks to the company I had.
Melinda asked my cousin to follow her down to KL, and I tagged along.
Melinda asked my cousin to follow her down to KL, and I tagged along.

I am so gonna buy this card game, we had loads and loads of fun playing it!

Doing the Karen Cheng, teheheh, but the toilet was rather dark. :-(
Juliana and I, my drink was called something breeze.
Group shot, yen, mel, jacintha, juliana, moi!
I wanted to do a shot biting my cousins neck, but Juliana took too long, so i started laughing!
Jacintha and me, at Carls Junior, yumm yumm. It was really nice meeting her, she's Melindas housemate, and she has really nice shoes!
When i hang out with this group of people, i feel funny, because they literally roll on the floor laughing at most of the things i say, some which i dont even find funny.
I haven't laughed so hard for ages, i think being with people that you are comfortable with unleashes you're true self.
i read d...~~ Hahahaha... U guys pergi KL, got get me anything nice ma? ^ ^ Hehehe... Wat's Karen Cheng? > " < Hmm.. Being with people u're comfortable with? Were u comfortable with me then? Hahahaha.. Cause I wanna know if that's ur true self... ^ ^ Hehehehe.. = P
oh, when i with my cousin all, i get very gila one. i think u havent see yet la. wait ull get scared. yen said i can become kawan with chen li, sama gila! haha, no money to shop 4 myself also!
oh, doing the karen cheng, she is a blogger and she likes to take pictures of herself in mirrors, check out her blog www.karencheng.com.au
waaa... no money to shop for urself? kesian... but i'm saying for me.. not for urself leh... i will get scared meh? i'm not the scaredy-cat type 1 know? = P hahaha... I want to see u go nuts... ^ ^ hahaha...
no money shop for myself u think got money shop for u ah. eh wah eh wahhhhhhh. hehhe, u seriously dont want to see me go nuts
ya la... ppl korbankan for the younger 1s ma.... = P eh wah eh waaahhh... ^ ^ hahaha... and i seriously wanna see u go nuts... ^ ^ i'll eat nuts while watching u go nuts... ^ ^
hey, sarah. i like your new hair lar.
hahha, thanks yi lian. i cut myself one. >< i think if cut fringe go shop waste money.
oi cousin gila. i DID NOT say i had fun with u la. perasan nie . i where got so emo!!!
wah wah wah, means u didnt la. HUHUHUHUHUHU!!! *stabs heart*
unleash ur true self. hmmm, MY COUSIN's CRAZY!!!
yep yep..
me likey ur bangs too...
me wan cut...=(
u din help me...T.T
if u dont mind i really dont mind cutting for u, i like cutting hair. HAHAHA
oh, really? u cut it by your own? nvr knew u can do so well.
hehehehe. malunya
tu pun malu ke?? haiyo... i rather let my little brother cut for me... =x
u noe wat is malu? i tot u dunno wat is malu de leh. ahahah. kidding*
lol.. u asking me ah.. ? =x
attention everybody, want to be mean dont be mean at my blog ah! I SPRAY u all with ridsect
lol sarah.. u referring to me ah? jangan la marah... haha..^^
y my name keep appear as anonymous..swt sial
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