I followed my roomie and other friends back to Muar for the mid autumn festival to eat moon cake, steamboat and play tanglung aka lantern.
My roomie knows how to ride a bike, so she brought me pusing around her kampung....
In her room, there was this container of erasers. I WAS LIKE WHOA~~~ remember those erasers you collect from buying the mamee snack.. i think there was like a few hundred of those erasers, how could you eat so much mamee!
These are my favourite ones among her collection. the giraffe, my little pony, christmas tree(how cute) and the candy cane... Okay, not exactly her collection, her brother's to be exact but he didn't want them anymore so he passed it on to her.

i miss those erasers... > " <
yeah.so cute kan...
yeah... cuter than me.. > " <
memang la cuter than u. u where got cute. >.< hehehe kidding kidding
wow, the moon is so round. kl rained on that day, cant even go out to c.
ish ish... *stabs heart with kitchen knife* T.T
Freak. i used to collect them too. ish. tak sangka betul.
yi lian: ya, the moon very nice. HUH kl raining ah so shuai!
adrian: ha la ha la, u cute la k? ish force people.
Yen: HAHA.....dont my blog bring back memories?
adrian cute?
SARAH. remember how we went to min qi's house to play lanterns and eat BBQ..so nice. glad you had fun this year, love.
i play wif candles and hang lantern on de trees outside wei loong's room..so many mosquitoes..and awhile later went in..too many mosquitoes..hahah..forgot bout my hangin lantern..and guess wad??someone stole it..T______T
hahaha..and i collect de small little erasers too..hehe..XD
and i like bike rides too..=)hehe..gives me de thrill..miss de time when wei loong took me for a short short short ride..haha..fun though..
kiran: awwwww...yeah of course i remember. u know what? she is a vegan now already (min qi) miss u so much, and thanks for dropping a comment!
caryn: Awww, mozys. i hate em too. u should bring the mosquitoe coil outside. yeah, i think collecting erasers are really a cute hobby!
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