Saturday, April 25, 2009

huhuhuhu ;-(

I am so sad not emo, but so sad. HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUUHUH *stomps feet on the floor*

I have an ulcer on my tongue huhuhuhu

and my phone died on me, huhuhuhuhu

not really, the lcd spoil so now its all white and i can't see anything.

why does it always happen to me? last time my phone also lcd always die one. HUHUHUUHU

my phone is a slide phone, so just now when i slide the thing i feel like not smooth, so i keep sliding up and down,

and it died on me.

WHY!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i so malas want to go betulkan but i got no money to buy a new phone :-((((((


InkFlow said...

SAME! my phone has a disease now... it will only be a matter of days or weeks before it dies.

I no money to buy phone either...

ma vie said...

it's ok...shit happens sometimes

sarahyanli said...

this only shows that phone nowadays tak berkualiti

sarahyanli said...

this only shows that phone nowadays tak berkualiti

Yi Lian Wong said...

nvrmind, u still can use public phone. -___-"""
dun sad lar, dun sad lar.

sarahyanli said...

yi lian: public phone??? so sad case meh. hahha. i using my frens spare phone

yen: hang in there

sarahyanli said...

yi lian: public phone??? so sad case meh. hahha. i using my frens spare phone

yen: hang in there

Alex Tan said...

sarah, the way you write, it's obvious you're Malaysian. :-)

sarahyanli said...

heheh yeah i know i use a lot of malay words too!