i have been blogging religiously. If you're wondering why its because i have too much free time on my hand. Basically my daily routine is as below,
8.10- alarm rings, wake up to shower, dress up
8.45- ready! put my ear on my brothers door to hear if he's awake, wait for him to get ready
9.00- leave for work
9.00-12- surf net, blog, daily bread, complete tasks if these is any
12-1.30- nom nom time (lunch)1.30-6- surf net, blog, update progressive report, complete tasks if these is any. Office hours is actually until 5, but i hang around to wait for my brother finish work
6.15- go home, play with dogs, feed dogs, do gardening or clean house if in the mood
7.30- dinner
11.30- brush teeth, do some reading
12.00- lights out
i know i cant believe i get so so sleepy by 11.3o and by 12 i knock out.
Its now already week 5 since I've started. time flies.
something for you to ponder upon,
Don’t fret about the future
Or be consumed by cares;
Instead take all your worries
And turn them into prayers. —Sper
hugs, cant wait for tomorrow to be over with!!!
I usually when I see you online in facebook it reminds me to check your blog, hmmm your daily schedule looks fun and simple..
fun? nah boring la hehe
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