Tuesday, May 31, 2011

beautiful soul

I haven't blogged in ages. This year has been very different for me. I went through a lot. So much that its hard to translate them into words. I've been writing, backspacing, writing, backspacing.

However, i do know the purpose of this post. I wanted to talk about my mother. I've lost my dad. It hurts, nobody can replace him. But i have a lot to be thankful for. I have beautiful memories of my dad, and i still have my mum, and my brothers.

You know how they say, daughters are closer to their dads, and therefore the term daddy's girl came about. But I've always been closer to my mum.I tell her everything. How i feel about things, about my boyfriends, about everything. And she always listens. I haven't been exactly a good daughter, I've been through my rebellious stages, lied to her, shouted back at her. But i think that whatever good I have in me, i inherited from her. and my dad of course.

The other day, the streamyx guy came to fix the phone line and the internet. She poured them drinks, and she saw the guys sniffing away, so she went to get cod liver oil and fed it to him saying its good for his cold. She is also extremely good with animals, my dad used to rescue wounded birdies, and she would nurture them until they are able to fly again.

She's probably one of the warmest person i know. And she said this once to me, and it has always been a reminder to me;
'When you give, give with all your heart!'

I'm what i am today because of her.

Beautiful people touch me everyday. Gives me a sense of hope :)


恺琦 ♥♥ kaichi said...

so touching~ =)

Jean said...

Beautiful post =) keep going strong darling